Friday, November 28, 2008

Too Much too Eat!!

Friday, November 28th
I went Christmas shopping at 4:00 this am with Dustin. It is amazing to see how people are in a shopping frenzy. Dustin told me that he didn't want to have to punch out some little old lady, because she was being hateful. Everyone was very nice though and there was no need for any kind of violence. People were lower key in a way. Our prayers are, that people will remember what Christmas is really about. That we will appreciate our blessings, big and small, our health, and our families. Yesterday we ate too much food. We went to two different dinners and that is always bad. Thomas and I were both miserable last night. Aaron was sick all Wednesday night and Thanksgiving Day was running a fever of 101.5. God is good though. This morning his temp. was back to 99.3. I will never be able to repay God for the blessings and mercies. Thomas will be home from hunting at noon and we are going back out into the crowd to shop more. Here's to holidays and remembering what they are really for love, family, forgiveness and a man on a cross, that loved us more than his own life. Happy Thanksgiving!! Love, Sandy

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday, November 1st

Friday night at the fall festival at church, I watched all the different children and they were having so much fun. I remember when I was that age and all you had to worry about was homework and getting in trouble. Church events were a treat. We didn't have air walks and pony rides and etc.. I think sometimes, I thought that to actually have fun was worldly and a sin. As I get older, I realize God is so good. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to laugh and have a good time. To be a child and be happy, that's priceless. Life is priceless and so short. I wish with all my heart, that God would perform a miracle in our church. I would like to see Marianna walk and laugh and have a good time. Children should all be happy and healthy. Children shouldn't have to carry around their baggage or their parents baggage. We should all strive to raise them to be happy and content. If they are healthy, praise God every day. They need to know that God is a friend, not someone that they are made to deal with. They need to always understand that God and church is their solace and place of peace. We need to make sure that we as adults strive to make it that way. We have to lead them to the only one, that can save them, redeem them, and take them to their only true home, Heaven. God is our only resting place. Children need and deserve to be children and happy. They deserve our love and protection, like God loves and protects us.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Wednesday, October 22nd
Okay, so Eric is saying that he won the can food collection, but hey, the real winners are the people that really need it and receive it. If you talk to teachers from various school systems, they can tell you about different children, from poor to wealthy backgrounds, that do not have enough to eat. That is so sad. As a church, it is our obligation to help the people in need. I know sometimes, we all have times we can't give much extra, but just think, if it was you and your spouses and children on the other end of the rope. Three years ago, Thomas had back surgery. For almost 6 weeks, he drew no paycheck. If it hadn't been for our families and draining our savings, we wouldn't have made it. The church offered to bring us food , but I just couldn't do that. I just prayed for God to help us not to have to take from the church. He did!! God is so good, but my point is that, the church was there to help, if we had been at that point. I hate to know people are hungry, especially children. We need to always remember, " We Are The Body"!! Later guys!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Weekend

Friday October 17th
Okay, so I am leaving soon to go to the Ladies retreat. I think a lot of women from the choir, will be going. I need a boost, so I'm looking forward to it. I hope we have some good Praise and Worship singing and music.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Friday October 10th
One of my best friend's father was buried today. He died of a heart attack at 2:00 am Wednesday morning. I know it's tough, when you don't get to say goodbye. I let little things bug me. The minister was saying that , "he was called home". How does the minister know? Even though we are saved by God's grace and we try to live right, that doesn't mean that we are in his will, when we die. The minister even made the comment, that he hadn't been around the family, in a few years. I know they say that, to comfort the family, but sometimes that statement bugs me. Told you, I'm weird. I always pray, for God to keep me in his will and to help me not stray. Living right is hard, but we know the rewards will be priceless. Later.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Beginings

Tuesday October 7th

Okay, I know I won't be writing everyday, but last night's choir practice/blessings was so...............good. I have been trying for weeks to make myself start this blog. It is constantly on my mind, so I don't know where this is coming from. I just know that besides my imediate family, all of you are the next best thing. If it was something really important, I would come to you guys, because I trust you. I know we don't get to all talk and we just see each other in passing, but I love everyone and I do think we should all strive to bond as one, because I think it would make us more powerful, as a weapon for God. I would like to know, if anyone needed me to pray for you. I don't have to know why, except to pray. God knows the why. Have a good week guys.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Revival Ends

Monday October 6th
Revival has just ended. I didn't get to go every night , because I had gall bladder surgery the week before last and this last week my stitches still bothered me some. What my husband and I did go to, was well worth our time. On Friday night, there was such a sweet spirit. It's like you know, time doesn't matter and you don't want to move. That's how I felt. I was content just to listen to the Holy Spirit. I hate that I missed Wednesday night. I heard Eric got a great blessing and I think Rhonda, Cathy, and Nancy. Everyone tell all. I love to hear about blessings, especially the choirs!!